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General Behavior Contract

General Behavior Contract

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Giving children to be well behaved can be difficult for any parent or teacher. There are many strategies that are there such as having incentives such as candy on my free time with friends, or punishment such as not being able to go outside with friends for playtime. With this general behavior contract any child rather in the classroom or in the home will be able to know exactly what will be expected of them and what might happen if they do not follow the rules. With this general behavior contract, Any parent or teacher can have a list of rules such as not yelling or running, and can also less possible punishments that will happen if the child breaks the rules. This general behavior chart can be put up on a wall or a refrigerator or any other surface to make sure that a child or children in the classroom can easily see and understand what the rules are. Incentives can also be put onto these general behavior contracts such as if a child is good for a certain amount of time then they will be able to get a reward such as candy or being able to have more recess time. This general behavior contract allows any teacher or parent to be able to set rules for children.