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Behavior Contract: Elementary Schoolers

Behavior Contract: Elementary Schoolers

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The positive behavioral model is a good way to reinforce and instill a good attitude in developing children. The elementary school-aged child is ready to have their behaviors modified. The technique of accomplishing this goal requires a modification of a positive personality trait that needs to be nurtured and fed. The behavioral contract is a great way to reinforce positive behaviors and reduce unhealthy personality traits. The method for accomplishing this will vary widely. A behavioral contract will help keep track of negative behaviors that can be modified and removed. The contract will assist the teacher in a rewarding process for positive behaviors. All these techniques used together will help increase the value of a good elementary education. Each child deserves to have a healthy education. The behavioral contract will help the teacher achieve that goal for their students. A good behavioral contract will act as a pathway to the desired method of learning. Once the contract is in place the teaching will become easier and the child will adapt accordingly and the process will take hold and work as a guideline for classroom behavior. The outcome of this is a healthy, learning environment that allows all involved to learn and progress at a positive pace. The integration of a reward system will further the desire for children to accept and apply this method of behavior modification.