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Behavior Contract: Tweens and Teens

Behavior Contract: Tweens and Teens

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If you are a parent to a teenager or two teenagers, you probably already know how hard and difficult it can be at times. This is a new stage in their lives and it can be very overwhelming not only for them but also for you as a parent. It is important that during this time, you were having full communication with them every single day. If you notice that your child’s behavior is becoming worse over time, it is important that you intervene and that you set up a behavior contract with them right away. During this time, it is very likely that your teenager wants to start to go out more whether it is to go shopping, hang out with friends or simply going to the movies. If you notice that your toes behavior is not doing really well, it is important that you take away those outings for them. By having a contract with your child, you are setting boundaries and expectations that your child needs to be aware about. The teenage stage is the perfect stage for your teenager to start learning more about rules, expectations and everything that needs to happen during this time. The more that you were communicating with your teenager, the more likely that their behavior will improve and that they will have enough trust and confidence to go to you in case they need anything at all.