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Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities Agreement

Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities Agreement

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The extra-curricular participation agreement is a simple contract between you and your child. The child is accepting the responsibility of going to these activities regularly, doing their best, and sticking with the activity until the season or term is over. Plus, you are asking your child to pick only one activity. Furthermore, you are letting your child know that extra-curricular activities help them become a well-rounded person. You can even share examples of activities you participated in as a kid to help your child understand. This is a very important document for you and your children because it teaches your kids that they need to follow through with the things they want to do. It is an allegory for life. You are showing your child that you make decisions, and even if you change your mind, you should honor your commitments. The contract also has a clause that reminds your children to talk to you about any concerns they have. Children often want to quit without telling you why, but they have signed a contract saying that they are willing to voice their concerns instead of abruptly quitting. Ask your child to sign this document before the school year begins. Your child will pick just one extra-curricular activity, and they will stick to it for the entire year. You are preventing burnout, and you are helping your child learn to be responsible at the same time.