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Technology Use Contract

Technology Use Contract

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Although technology has taken over our world and our daily life, it is still very important that we as parents are making sure that we are in control of how much technology our children are using on a regular basis. The more control that we have about this, the more encouragement we will be able to provide our children as well. Technology should only be used when our children have earned it. This is something that is very important to learn and keep in mind. We need to teach our children that it is very important to practice self control and it is very important to have tech control as well. A great way to help our children have tech control is by making sure that we are only allowing them to use it once they have earned it. They can earn it by doing chores around the house and by being nice to others. You can write a tech control contract and have your children sign it so that they can be reminded that they signed the contract. You can also have the contract displayed in your home so that they can be reminded this way as well.