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Family Journal

Family Journal

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As children get older, they may be reluctant to discuss certain things with their parents, however, to keep the lines of communication open, consider talking to your child about journaling. Journals are not only a way to communicate, but they are also a way to explore thoughts, dreams, ideas, emotions, a way to relieve stress and to express gratitude. Provide your child with this free printable child-parent journal and explain that this journal is for them to write about things that may not know how to discuss. After they write a journal entry, your child will get to decide if it is something that they just want you to read, something that they want you to respond to, or it is something that they are will to discuss in person. The child stays in control with what they want to share and discuss while making it less stressful for them. This is a great way for parents to stay in touch and keep the lines of communication open without having to ask a lot of questions or constantly nagging your child to get them to talk to you. Consider creating a space where your child can drop off the journal that will be for your eyes only.