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Bumble Bee Stickers

Bumble Bee Stickers

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Whether it's spring time or any other type of season, use these fun stickers to mark of each accomplishment on your chart or graph. Kids can think of themselves as busy little bees. Use the stickers in a creative way. The stickers are of many different colors as well. As there are an array of different color busy bees, use them to distinguish chores, categories or tasks. The red bees could be used for daily homework that needs to be completed. The green bees color represent pulling the weeds in the garden. The sky is the limit. This certainly helps keep track of different behaviors. Kids start learning from their early childhood developments that they have the power to accomplish daily goals. Words of encouragement for a job well done on a certain day gives a visual to kids and helps to hold them accountable. Remember that including children in a behavior chart requires having a plan. Talk to kids about the important personal self care that needs to be done daily. Remind them about other things if they don't bring them up. A nice word of encouragement and knowing that an incentive awaits also makes the days good faster. Keep the kids busy using these super fun bee stickers on your charts and graphs!