Behavior Tools
Behavior Bucks
Behavior Contracts
Bullying Tools
Healthy Eating Tools
How-To Lists
Reflection Sheets
starRewards & Stickers

Star Stickers - 2

Star Stickers - 2

Print this chart

There is no doubt that rewards can help to motivate a child to improve their behavior or work on their organizational skills. Adults have the skills necessary to create a list of goals, however, small children do not yet have those needed skills, however, printing a behavioral chart is a fun way to begin teaching your child these necessary skills. It is important that parents reward the child for modeling the desired behavior, and this is when having some star stickers will come in handy. The sheet of star stickers comes with rows of colorful stars, and the child can decide what color star they would like on their chart. Stars are usually enough of a reward for children in early elementary school or under, but older children may be better motivated if they can trade their stars in for a small prize or larger stickers. Children are going to be very excited to see that their chart is being filled in with colorful stars, and they are going to want to show everyone their good work, so make sure to hang the chart on the refrigerator or in a prominent place for all to see all of the good work that is being done.