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Improve School Performance and Grades

School is a major part of your child's life. If he is doing well, things are smooth if they are not, it can become a source of frustration for both you and your child. Often, parents know that their child needs to make improvements in their school performance and grades, but they just aren't sure how to go about helping their child do so. After all, kids don't come with an instruction manual (sure would be nice if they did!).

Student, Classroom or School: Identifying the Problem

If your child is not doing well in school, it is time to analyze the situation and see what the problem is. There are so many factors that can contribute to poor school performance. Perhaps your child doesn't care for his teacher, is not up to speed on the material being studied, or needs to have his eyesight and hearing checked.

To help your child improve school performance and get better grades:

  • Discuss school performance with your child. Ask him what he thinks the problem is and if he has any solutions to suggest.
  • Set up a routine, so that your student knows there is always a time each evening dedicated to school work, whether it's homework, preparing for the next day, or studying.
  • Spend quality time with your child each day. Some kids will act out in school because of problems at home.
  • Speak with the teacher or school counselor. Some children, for example, may benefit from tutoring in a specific subject area.
  • Use positive reinforcement to improve behavior and grades. You can easily do this by setting up a behavior chart that encourages good school behavior, studying, completing homework, etc.
  • Take the time to teach your child how to do his homework and study. Often children are told to study or do their homework, but they don't know an effective process to go about getting it done.
  • Help your child keep school activities and assignments organized with a calendar system.
  • Limit television time. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of television per day for children.

If the problem does not seem to be improving with the above suggestions, speak with a counselor about the issue. But most of the time, when you apply some of these techniques and remain consistent, you will see improvements in grades and overall school performance.