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How to Handle a Screaming Child

Nobody likes to be screamed at, but it is common for children to go through periods of screaming at their parents in order to see how far they can push. If you are like most parents, you are ready to turn the volume down on your screamer. The good news is that there are ways you can address this issue.

Screaming Children

There are many reasons why elementary-aged kids may engage in screaming. One of the most common reasons for this behavior is that the child is frustrated and does not know how to effectively communicate those feelings. Because of this, it is important that your child learn how to handle his emotions and be able to talk about what bothers him in an acceptable tone.

Here's how to discipline and handle a screaming kid:

  • Discuss your child's frustrations and what he can do when he is upset. Knowing how to effectively communicate feelings is an acquired skill.
  • Create a behavior chart and give rewards when he displays good behavior.
  • Establish tone rules for the house and be consistent with enforcing them. Keep a chart to monitor behavior, and reward your child when he handles issues appropriately. Positive reinforcement is always the more effective route to take.
  • Set the example of what the tone should be. Sometimes children develop screaming habits from watching a parent or caretaker. It is important that your child sees you dealing with your emotions in a healthy manner.
  • Never give into a child's demands or screaming, because this will only set the stage for more of it to come. When your child starts screaming, calmly let him know that when he screams, you will tune him out. When he is ready to discuss his frustrations in a healthy manner, you will be waiting.

It is also a good idea to examine why your child is using screaming behavior as a way to communicate. If he is learning it from a family member or friend, and is now modeling the behavior, you'll need to address the issue with that individual. Make it a goal to eliminate the screaming. Consistently stick with this goal, and the volume will be turned down before you know it.