Extracurricular Activities for Kids in Elementary School
After School Activities for Grade Schoolers
Kids benefit from extracurricular activities in many ways. Learn helpful tips from the experts on summer camps, sports, activities, winning and losing, and more.
As a parent, you might feel nervous or anxious about allowing your child to try out a new sport or activity. That's completely normal, but it's also important to encourage your child to try new things and engage in extracurricular activities. If your child begins to show a particular interest in a sport, you may want to consider letting him try it out. And, it's perfectly ok to talk to the coach of the team or your child's doctor about the specific sport to make sure you're comfortable with what to expect.
Few children like homework, but as your child enters elementary school, he will quickly discover that it will be a way of life for the next decade or so. Getting the most out of every worksheet or book report may be difficult, but choosing after school activities to explore new interests, will keep your child active and learning without even realizing it.
As a parent, you're probably well aware that there are numerous benefits to allowing your child to participate in after-school activities. Extracurricular activities not only give your child a chance to relieve some pent-up stress, but they also encourage her to make new friends, learn new skills, and participation in physical exercise.
While we live in a nation where competition abounds! And, kids are often the fiercest competitors. Kids compete for everything from grades to sports and auditions and many things in between! While competition is all around us, and can be a healthy thing, it is important to make sure that kids are taught to be the best competitors and good sports.
Most parents with elementary school aged kids certainly understand the need for summers to be both relaxing and educational. Of course, kids in elementary school look forward to their summer vacations because the break from traditional schooling entails sleeping in, playing games, and not having to go to class. However, parents should consider enrolling kids in summer camps that allow children to have a great time while keeping their minds engaged.
By the first week of summer, you probably can't wait for the start of camp. Camp not only gives you a break but it also gives your child the opportunity to learn about something he's interested in and build valuable social skills. Whether your child is preparing for his fourth year at summer camp, or his first, it's always good to try something new.
Many parents want their children to participate in team sports because it gives kids a chance to get off the sofa and move around. We all know there are many health benefits to participating in sports, but did you also know there are several mental benefits as well? Team sports reward cooperative play and promote good sportsmanship, acceptance by others, and, of course, teamwork. Plus, the positive feedback that is associated with sports will help build your child's self-esteem. Don't forget the old adage 'there's no "I" in "Team."' Encourage your child to play as part of a team.
No child likes to lose, but then again, no adult likes to lose either. Think about it; how would you feel if you lost out on a promotion to another co-worker? That's how children feel when they lose a game; a basketball championship game could mean as much to your child as a promotion means to you. It's ok for your child to feel upset about the loss of a big game, but if she's acting the same way when she loses a simple game like a tag, a problem could be in the works. Acting like a sore loser is a learned behavior, and whether you realize it or not, your child may have learned the behavior from you.