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Extracurricular Activities for Preschoolers

When your child is preschool or kindergarten age, they are beginning to master many basic movements and it may be the right time for you to put those movements to use in extracurricular activities. Giving your child a healthy play outlet will allow them to stay active and burn off some of that energy. Prepare yourself for a good night's sleep when you begin to involve your child in sports and playful activities.

Unstructured Play for Preschoolers

At this young age it's best to engage your child in unstructured free play, rather than organized sports. Children this young may have trouble following rules, learning how to lose, understanding the purpose of a game and getting down the mentality of "taking turns." This doesn't mean they can't play organized sports, just make sure the game is more about having fun and less about competition. However, you may want to start out with some basic unrestricted activities such as running, climbing, playing tag, tumbling, dancing, playing catch, supervised water play, or shooting basketballs. If you think your child is ready to tackle the next step, be sure to choose a league that emphasizes fun and learning basic skills. You may want to consider starting with these organized sports: T-ball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, and Basketball.

Hey, It's Okay…

It's okay if you decided to sign up your toddler or preschooler for an organized sport and they decided chasing butterflies was more fun than watching the game. It's all about learning to interact socially, allowing them to have fun and most importantly, getting healthy exercise. In addition to providing physical and social benefits, sports also benefit a child's mind. Getting your child involved in sports at a young age will allow them to build and sustain life skills, such as conflict resolution, leadership and friendship. Additionally, they are likely to have higher self-esteem and more confidence to try new and different activities and sports. However, be sure to keep your child's skill level and maturity in mind before choosing what sport or activity to start with.