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The Importance of Consistency

Have you ever told your child she couldn't do something, only to let her do it another time because you were busy on the phone? While the scenarios may vary, most parents have been guilty of this transgression from time to time. Problem is, if you are not consistent with the type of behavior you expect, you will not be successful in getting that desired behavior!

Parenting: Consistency is Key

It is important for parents to be consistent with their children. It helps her learn the rules, determine right from wrong, and also helps her predict the way things are and will be. If parents are not consistent with their children, children will not have a good idea of what type of behavior is desired. This attitude of sometimes being able to do things that are supposed to be off limits may carry over into school and beyond.

How to Parent Children by Being Consistent

  • Have a chat with your child and let her know you realize that you have not been consistent and are going to make a change. This way, she knows that things are about to change. She may not take you seriously otherwise and may assume you will falter and allow the behavior again.
  • Determine what the rules are that you want her to follow. You can even use parenting tools like behavior charts and chore charts to keep kids on track and accountable. Even if you get busy on the phone, the plan has already been laid out for her. Using charts also eliminates the power struggle that many parents have with their children.
  • Pick your battles! You will drive you and your child crazy if you make an issue out of every little thing she does. Decide what is worth going to the mat and what issues should be left alone.
  • Make sure that everyone who cares for your child is on the same page in regard to the rules. This goes for parents, caregivers, and even a favorite aun, who may want to let her break the rules.

When you first make a commitment to be consistent with your child, you may find you slip back into old habits from time to time. Don't beat yourself up about it! Instead, acknowledge that you realize you were being inconsistent and that you are going to work on it. Then move on, and focus on the next move. With some practice and mindfulness, you will be successful at being more consistent with your child!