Printable Charts
Chore Charts
Children Charts
Multiple Kids
Week - No Points
Week – Points

Printable Chart for Chores: Reward Points

Printable Chart for Chores: Reward Points

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A printable chart for chores is a great way to motivate children to complete their chores. This is a good way for children to see what exactly their chores are. You can then incentivize those chores with either an allowance or prizes. Prizes work really well with younger children and with the older children an allowance is very important to them. These charts are very easy to customize them to what you need. You can customize them any way you like and add different lines for different children if you have more than one child living in the household. Each line can have the child's name on it. Next to the child's name you can have the chore that you would like that child to do. Then after that chore, there is a space that you can check off when the child has completed that chore. At the end of the week, you can give them prizes for completing their chores during the week or their allowance. Having a chart up where the child can see it will also remind them of the chores that they need to do. They can monitor their progress throughout the week and know that they have successfully completed all the chores necessary to get their prize or allowance. A chore chart is a great way to engage the children in the household to help out with chores. It is easy for them to understand and it motivates the children to help out around the house.