Printable Charts
Goal Charts
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Charts with Goals and Reward

Charts with Goals and Reward

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There is a belief generally that the combination of a reward with a goal is one of the most effective ways to motivate a younger child. There is also evidence to suggest that children are actually very much independent and would like to control their own activities as much as possible. That is the root of the design of this particular chart. It uses a format that combines the incredibly powerful forces of both rewards and goals so that children can help to navigate their life effectively on their own while still staying productive and maintaining healthy behaviors. It’s not exactly a complicated tool but it can be an extremely effective assist in the quest to ensure the proper development and education of a child. There are too many times that children lose focus on their task because they are not given the kind of responsibility that they desire. If they are given responsibility it is important that they are not overwhelmed or burnt out. The only way to accomplish that is to make them feel that the challenge and responsibility are both worth it by giving them a reward to strive towards. It gives them something to hold on to hope and continue preserving whenever things get difficult on the way to accomplishing a goal of theirs that is important to them.