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Homework Charts

Homework Chart

Homework Chart

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Homework assignments can be something difficult to process for many children. Many children come home tired from school and they do not have enough energy or they do not want to go home to finish even more assignments. If you notice that your child is not feeling very motivated and encouraged to do his or her schoolwork, it is important that you step in right away and that you help your child find that motivation and encouragement to get all of his or her work done. A good way to get your child motivated and encouraged again, is by letting them know how important it is that they finish all of their schoolwork. Let them know that although it may seem frustrating and overwhelming in the moment, in the long run it could be very beneficial for them because they are learning more new things. If you feel like your child is not motivated because he or she is not really understanding the subject, you may have to look into getting a tutor for them. If you do not want to get a tutor for them, maybe you can speak with his or her teacher and you can learn the subject so that you were able to properly help your child at home. This can be a calling from your child that here she wants to spend more time with you or simply needs more attention from your part.