Printable Charts
Pet Care Charts
Guinea Pigs

Pet Care: Cats

Pet Care: Cats

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Taking care of a cat is a huge responsibility, but there is no better time than as a child to start learning that skill. I have seen a four-year-old just love on his kitty, but he didn't know how to properly treat the cat and so often he would hurt it, not knowing any better, until intervention happened. Remembering that children pick up habits, good and bad, and those habits build the core of who they are. If a child never learns any better then they will never be any better. This applies to their cats as well. So let's start teaching them better. And we are here to help! We have designed simple and easy-to-follow charts that make it fun and educational for a child to use. It teaches how to feed a cat, grooming them, litter box care and so much more. And by pairing this with our rewards chart, a child can start learning the great habits that will form the core of who they are immediately, with them seeing the results of those habits forming in a fun way! So let's help them learn how to take care of a cat together! Click in and take a look!