Printable Charts
Pet Care Charts
Guinea Pigs

Pet Care Chart for Cats

Pet Care Chart for Cats

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A child learning and accepting the obligations of caring for their pet cat is a great way to learn responsibility. The idea of caring for their pet is a great way for a child to also learn their place in society. This requires some responsibility that has consequences tied to the behavior. A pet cat is a great tool for teaching a child small gradual steps that result in a healthy pet cat. When all the pieces come together and the plan goes as it should then you end up with a healthy happy cat and child. This is a good test base that will show how well the child understands the idea of dependence and the responsibility involved with that situation. Understanding that something alive depends on you for it's well being brings on a deeper understanding of the world that the child lives in. This is a healthy cognitive position that will increase child development. The idea will transfer to their understanding of their parents' role in their own life. This creates appreciation and a wider world view. Hopefully, this transfers to that view of their position in the world around them and their responsibility in that world. All this can be directly contributed to the pet care chart that you were able to incorporate into the child's daily routine.