Printable Charts
Pet Care Charts
Guinea Pigs

Pet Care Chart for Dogs

Pet Care Chart for Dogs

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If your children just got a new dog, it is important that you start implementing rules and expectations that you have for them because it is important for your children to know that having a dog comes with great responsibility and the sooner that they learned is the better that it will be for them. If you would like to start implementing different chores and duties that your children will have to do in order to take care of this new pad, it is recommended that you buy your charts and that you write down the names of each of your children. Next to the names of the children, it is recommended that you write down a specific Tori specific duty that they will be responsible for doing for the remainder of the week. Some of these chores or duties can include for example, taking the dog out in the morning and in the night, making sure that the dog is fed throughout the day, cleaning up the dog’s poop, bathing the dog etc. Your children can choose which chore or duty they would like to start off with and later on you can rotate them and switch them around. You can also gave appreciation to your children who are completing all of the chores and duties without you having to remind them every single day. This could be a great way for your children to learn more about responsibility and about how to properly take care of the dog.