Printable Charts
Potty Training Charts

Girls Potty Training Chart with Stickers

Girls Potty Training Chart with Stickers

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It's time to start using the potty for the first time. This can be stressful, but with our very helpful Potty Training Chart it is sure to help document and keep record of the whole progress. The printable chart also includes stickers that you can use to place in the circles each time the potty is used. There are many stickers to choose from. Some say I Stayed Dry Today. Other stickers say No Accidents Today. Every day might be different but what's important is to see what's been achieved each time the potty is being used. This will help motivate and remind the new potty user about how far they have come. This also assists in focusing on what the goal is. The goal of course is the be able to use the potty independently while including good hygiene through out the process such as properly wiping and cleaning up after they are done. It's important to teach little ones to correctly wash their hands after using the toilet. Be sure to explain that soap is how germs are killed. When they are taught using this potty training chart there will be results. Rewards or points may even be included. Best of luck using the Potty Training Chart.