Printable Charts
Reward Charts
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Reward Chart

Reward Chart

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One very good way to encourage children to be good in both the home and the classroom is through the use of rewards. For example, if a child helps out around the house, or they always fo their homework on time, they can be given a reward such as extra playing time with their friends or a piece of candy, or even toy that they have wanted for a long time. With this reward chart, it is very easy to be able to show a child what they will be getting if they do well, but also what they have to do to actually be able to get the reward. It can show step by step what a child has to do and also can be used to prevent a child from getting a reward if they do not do well. This is a great way for both parents and teachers to be able to get kids to listen and to have good behavior. This reward chart can be put on any wall or chalkboard and is big enough to show any child in the home or the classroom what they have to be doing to be able to get their favorite rewards such as a toy or candy. This reward chart makes it easy to encourage good behavior.