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Potty Training Partnership

Learning how to make it through potty training is not only beneficial to your child, but to you as well. It's a task that takes a lot of time and patience, and if you haven't started it yet don't worry, you'll see what I mean. Potty training can be one of the most daunting tasks that you and your child will take on together, but if you commit to getting through it with each other it'll be much easier. Our expert potty training video will help you establish your partnership.

Stay Strong During Potty Training

Although you haven't been looking forward to this parental responsibility, you need to stay positive! Kids will have a hard time learning to be potty trained if you are negative about the situation and can't laugh certain things off. When you've decided it's time and you're ready to tackle potty training positively, try these potty training tips:

  • Learn to observe, and quickly. When you begin to notice signs that your child may have use the toilet—squirming, squatting, holding their lower abdomen—take them to the bathroom as quickly as possible. This will allow them to associate these signs with going to the bathroom in the future.
  • Take potty breaks together. We've all heard of the old and outdated rule of making your child sit on the toilet until they do their business, how awful does that sound? You should never make your child do that. Instead, sit with them for a few minutes in the bathroom, several times a day and read a book or talk with them.
  • Treat mistakes just as there are— mistakes. Accidents are inevitable, especially when your child is upset or tired. When an accident happens, remain calm. Yes, it does get annoying when it happens in the middle of the night, but there's no sense in working yourself up over something that is bound to happen.
  • Be consistent. Make sure all of your child's caregivers follow the exact same rules for potty training or else things can get confusing.
  • Don't force it. If your child just can't seem to get the hang of using the toilet after several months, it's time to give it a little rest. When you decide to do it the second time around, basics are already established, so it'll be much easier.
  • Set up a a potty training reward chart to help you child help their progress.


This is a process every parent has to go through with their child and completely dreading this stage will just make it that much harder and longer. If you're positive about successfully battling potty training with your children they will be ready and willing to participate.