Printable Charts
Star Charts
Individual Kid
Multiple Kids

Free Charts with Stars - Multi Kids

Free Charts with Stars  - Multi Kids

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This is a popular and great learning tool for your kids that might have a attuide or bad behavior problems. This chart is a free chart with stars and is good for children or even teenagers. This chart will get your child to take up responsibility for his or her own behavior. Motivating your child to understand what good discipline is with the utmost respect for others. Having good manners and a positive attitude. Set goals for your child to reach and encourage him or her that it is worth it that each goal that he or she achieves with good behavior. Allow your child to mark off each goal that he or she achieves with the good behavior with creative stickers or colorful markers. The more you let your child involved with his or her own behavior the more responsibilities that your child will understand about his or her own behavior. Reward your child for the accomplishment of achieving the goals that you have displayed on the chart. With good behavior and a positive attitude. Rewarding your child is letting him or her understand that good behavior and a positive attitude is reward for a job well done on the chart with stars.