Bottle Music
Kids love music, especially when they get to make it. This easy science activity for kids lets them not only create fun tunes, it helps them learn how different materials make different sounds. By exploring the tones of glass and plastic, they will learn a bit about how different materials respond to outside forces.
Activity Instructions
Set out a variety of bottles, both glass and plastic. Help your child tap the sides of the bottles with spoons and call attention to how different each one sounds.
Next, show your kids how to make music by blowing across the top of the bottles.
After your children have learned how to create their symphony with bottles, put different amounts of water into each bottle to create different tones. Explain how the water changes the sounds that the bottles make when they tap them with the spoon and when they blow over the top of them.
- Plastic Bottles
- Glass Bottles
- Water
- Spoon
Music is an exciting part of children’s lives. Although they love hearing songs, they love making them even more! With this fun science activity for kids, your little ones can explore the many sounds that bottles can make. Although they may be too young to understand the more technical differences between glass and plastic, they will appreciate that these materials create a variety of sounds.