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Student Behavior and Classroom Behavior in Elementary School

Student and Classroom Behavior: Grade School

Get tips on improving classroom behavior in elementary school, for good student behavior and better grades. These parenting articles have feedback from the experts.

Most parents do their best to keep their child at the same school for the duration of their allotted time. Whether you're moving out of the area or feel a new school has a better academic program, here are some steps you can take to make the process of changing schools easier for your child.

The last thing any parent wants is for their child to be the "bad kid" in class. You may notice that your child acts one way at home but you're told his behavior in the classroom is completely different. As a parent, it's important to encourage your child to have good classroom behavior and to view teachers as the authority figure they truly are.,/p>

Teachers play such an influential and important role in the life a child. The last thing a teacher wants, but so often gets, is a rude child. Teachers will usually try to address the behavior themselves, but they need the support of those at home to help create a lasting change. If your child is rude to his teachers, there are things that you can do to help put a stop to it. You just need to be willing to tackle the problem once and for all!

Remember a time you wanted to join an activity but you couldn't because you weren't a member of the "in" crowd or "clique?" We've all been there, and we've all felt that we weren't good enough to be a part of a particular group. The last thing we want is for our children to feel the same way. Unfortunately, cliques are still an inevitable part of childhood. In fact, cliques are starting to form early in elementary school.

Whether your child has come home from school with a note about unacceptable behavior or his teacher has called to tell you about bad behavior, most parents know that sometimes behavior incidents occur. Discuss these incidents with your elementary-aged child and his teacher to ensure you're doing all you can to nip bad behavior in the bud.

Does your child get “sick” when it’s time to go to school? Do you suspect that her symptoms may be imagined? Does her illness only occur during the week? If you suspect that your child is making up symptoms or coming up with excuses to avoid going to school, your child may be experiencing what is called “school avoidance,.” a phenomenon that, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 5% of children experience.

All parents want their kids to do well in school. Most of us believe good grades are the gateway to successful futures. When your child is young it's hard for him to realize why getting good marks are important outside of the rewards you might give him for receiving good grades. However, you can start making good grades a regular occurrence by encouraging your child to do specific tasks at home that will help him become a better and more focused student. Remember, obtaining good grades is a responsibility that both you and your child need to work on together.

Ah, the sweet sound of success. All of us love hearing our child tell us she has finished their homework but what most of us don't enjoy is the process of getting there. Let's face it, most kids don't like doing homework and getting them to finish it either ends with a screaming match or a bargaining chip. For those of you who are beginning to grow tired of the chaos that ensues when trying to get your child to do homework you need to implement new motivation practices that yield results.

Every parent who has ever had to get kids up for school on a regular basis knows full well how challenging that can be. Before children get into the routine of school, just getting up each morning can be a battle. But it is a battle that can be won, simply by creating – and being consistent with – a morning routine.

There's no avoiding homework. Even kindergartners get homework assignments. Use this opportunity to begin good homework habits early on so your child will be better prepared for middle and high school.

Concerned about your child's grades? You are not alone! Millions of parents worry about their children's grades, if their child is doing as well as he should be doing (with grades, homework and behavior in school), and what can be done to improve students’ study habits. It's normal to focus just on grades, but you also don't want to make grades the only factor that you consider, for many reasons. By focusing on daily study and homework habits, and giving your student tools to help him work efficiently, improvements in grades are sure to follow. Common behavior tools that parents use to teach their children good study habits are homework planners and behavior contracts. The first is, of course, to help students track and plan out homework; and the second is a contract between the parent and child regarding specific behavior, actions, and goals. Student behavior contracts can also be made between teachers and students, or even between a parent, a teacher, and the student.