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How to Help Your Child with Cliques

Parents are familiar with the ever-popular movie "The Breakfast Club," that depicted life of peer pressure and cliques in schools. It may have come out years ago, but the representation still rings true today. Cliques are a common part of schools, unfortunately, but they can also be a damaging one. They leave many kids feeling left out and have a negative impact on their confidence.

Cliques and the Powerful Few Kids

Cliques are usually run by just a select few popular kids. The problem with cliques is that they purposely leave people out based only on their appearanceor other trivial attributes. Parents may find that having their child be excluded from, or be a part of, a clique can be cause for concern.

Parenting tips in mind when it comes to your child and cliques:

  • Try to address the issue right away. This is important because cliques often have a negative impact on the self esteem of those who are excluded from them. The low self esteem can go on to lead to other problems. Discuss what cliques are and your concerns, feelings, and even your own experiences with them. Show them movies that depict cliques and discuss them. Be there to provide support for them, as they try to maneuver their way around this issue.
  • Encourage them to find friends outside of school and to concentrate on those relationships.
  • Teach your child to be happy with whom they are, rather than try to change to fit into a group or be what others want them to be. They need to be happy with who they are. Focus on their positives.
  • Help them to find a way to transition out of it if you child is in a clique and does not want to be a part of it.

The only good thing that can be said about cliques is that they don't last forever. Usually the older teens get, the more likely they are to leave the behind. With some patience, you can help your child get past this stage, and they will be able to move on to happy days, filled with meaningful friendships!