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Sleepovers & Bedtime

Kids Bedtime and Sleepovers for Teenagers and Tweens

Kids’ bedtimes can vary in middle and high school. Learn the necessary sleep for children as tweens/teens, how to survive sleepovers, and how to enforce kids’ bedtimes.

Sleepovers and Bedtime Madness

For parents, teenage sleepovers can be very stressful. Of course tweens or teens might call the sleepover an all-night party. Our parenting articles provide feedback from experts on how to prepare for middle school or high school sleepovers, and how to deal with kids’ bedtime or misbehavior issues if they come up. Learn how much sleep children need, and how to tell if your tween/teen is getting enough sleep; our parenting tips answer your questions about sleep for children. We share what it takes to prepare for boys or girls sleepovers, and how to make tween/teenage sleepovers fun yet safe.

Most experts agree that today's teens and tweens aren't getting enough sleep. Research shows that lack of sleep can impair everything from personal relationships to how well kids do in school. No matter what age your child is, it is imperative that she get enough sleep each night.

What if you were told that one little thing could make a world of difference in your tween? Not only can this tiny thing help your child perform better, but it can also help him avoid mood swings and even maintain better health. Know what that thing is? It's sleep! And believe it or not, this thing that we take for granted is a powerhouse when it comes to helping us a healthy life. Sleep problems can lead to many other challenges for teens and can be easily avoided.

If your tween or teenager has been begging you to have a sleepover with more than one of her friends, you are probably a bit hesitant. After all, caring for one extra kid is hard enough. But you can't keep saying no forever. Once you decide to give in and throw your teen a sleepover with a few of their friends, the next question is, how many kids are too many?

Many parents dread the moment a teen says he wants to invite so-and-so, a.k.a. the "wild child," for a sleepover. The wild child gets riled up exactly when it's time to go to bed and causes the real nightmare at the slumber party. Although it's not pleasant to tell your child he can't have a sleepover, the thought of letting the wild child into your home gives you hives.

The ability of teens and tweens to function seemingly normally on little to no sleep has mystified many parents. But, in reality, teens are actually biologically programmed to respond to different sleep patterns than small children and adults. Although adults function on a nearly 24-hour biological cycle, adolescents function on a longer clock. That means it's actually not natural for your teen to fall asleep before 11 p.m., according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Many parents wonder why it's called a "sleepover" when the last thing kids want to do is sleep. To prevent an "all-nighter" at a slumber party/sleepover just set some simple ground rules.

How late should tweens and young teens stay up during a sleepover? Parents have struggled with this question for years. With a group of kids hopped up on sugar and the excitement that many slumber parties elicit, when should parents insist it's bedtime?

By the time kids reach the their teens or tweens, they are usually putting in requests to either have or attend sleepovers. And who can blame them? Sleepovers can be a lot of fun! For parents, sleepovers are either welcome or nerve-wracking. Some parents like the idea because, in a sense, they get free babysitting for the night, while others fear the risks involved.