Printable Charts
Chore Charts
Children Charts
Multiple Kids
Week - No Points
Week – Points

ChoreChart: Children Chores List

ChoreChart: Children Chores List

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This free downloadable and printable kids chore chart is a great tool to organize your family. This chart can be used to easily track daily chores for multiple children In the house. Chores are a great way to teach your children responsibility, set a routine, and provide accountability. Keep track of when the kids are making their bed, brushing their teeth, picking up their room, and clearing their dishes. The chore chart also lets you note chores your kids have to do less frequently like taking out the garbage, vacuuming, or folding the laundry. Use this tool to help keep track of your kid’s chores. Post the chart in a convenient area of your house so that everyone in the family can see and know who is responsible for which chore each day. Kids can use stickers, markers or crayons to mark the chore chart daily with their completed tasks. Adjust chores so that they are age appropriate and so every member in the family can chip in and help. Establish a reward system to award children for completing their chores. Consider rewarding with things like extra television or video game time, a special prize, or a day off from chores.