Printable Charts
Reward Charts
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Free Charts with Rewards

Free Charts with Rewards

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Does your child love to watch things that are related to construction, or just likes building things in general, yet you want your child to behave? Well, you have come to the right place because Kidpoint has a rewards chart just for you and your child for him/her showing examples of good behavior! The chart comes with three sections where you can fill out the awards that you would like to give your child. The first section, the sandbag, could be something small like chocolates and such. Brick rewards can be something like a toy. And last but not least, the grand prize, which can anything you want, but non-monetary. It is recommended that non-monetary rewards are given to your child so that the child doesn't associate getting only money for the times of good behavior. With this rewards chart along with the other behavior charts, your child will not only get the benefit of getting prizes but the reward of knowing what it is like to behave well. The concept of good behavior is not something that cannot be learned overnight, but it can be learned over time with good practice and the incentives that you can give your child when he/she does behave well.