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Kids Chart: Classroom-School Theme

Kids Chart: Classroom-School Theme

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This chart can help you see how well your child behaves while at school, how well your child interacts with other children, how well they listen to their teacher, how well they do with their grades for each class they have, and how well they can focus on school work or their teachers. This can also be used at home with you, you can track how well they can tell you or explain to you what they learned while they were at school, how well their report cards come out, how your child acts when they come home from school, how their teachers tell you how they acted at school today as well as how your child mingled with their peers even if your child was angry or lashed out at the teacher for something or just misbehaving. You can ask your child's teacher if they keep track of how your child behaves during the day and if so then you can decide if your child gets a reward or not as well as anything else you might decide to give your child. This will also help you see if your child needs help with certain areas of their school work as well as if they need any tutoring or monitoring during the day at school.