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Star Behavior Bucks

Star Behavior Bucks

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Money is what makes the world go around. Children also realize this fact. So, if you are needing a way to encourage your child to behave better, you may want to implement this idea. You don't need to give them actual money for them to get the same effect. That is where Star Behavior Bucks would be useful. These bucks can be used as payment for things around the house. You could give them to your child whenever they get a good grade or they do all of their chores like they are supposed to. These bucks are brightly colored and come in four different values. The values are one, five, ten, and twenty. There are four of each value. Many parents use these as a way to promote better behavior. Once your child gets so many bucks, they can easily exchange them for something that they want. You don't just have to use these bucks at home. If you are a teacher, these would be a great thing to have in your classroom. You could hand them out whenever your student finishes a book, does well on a test, or does something nice for one of their classmates. Then, they can be exchanged once a month or so for a fun prize.