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Dino Dollars

Dino Dollars

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Does your child love T-rex? Are triceratops tops in your kids book? If your child loves dinosaurs then your little one will enjoy these free downloadable and printable dinosaur dollars. Printable in values of one, five and 10-dino dollars. Parents can use the dino bucks to reward their little ones for working hard or getting good grades. Give them a dino buck for brushing their teeth or making their bed. Five dinosaur dollars for getting an A on a test or helping to fold the laundry. Helping to clean out the garage or getting straight A's on their report card could earn them a whole 10-dino dollars. Your kids will work hard to earn rewards with the dino bucks. You can determine what they can buy once they have enough dino dollars. You could set each dollar to buy one minute of time to stay up late or play their favorite video game. A special day of their choosing with mom or dad could cost $20-dinosaur dollars. The options for how to use and reward your kids with these dinosaur dollars is unlimited. This is a fun and creative way to motivate and reward your little one for doing work.