Behavior Tools
starBehavior Bucks
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Rewards & Stickers

High Five Behavior Bucks

High Five Behavior Bucks

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The child that does a good job and accomplishes a task on time and correctly, deserves to be rewarded. This is a positive behavioral reward that will reinforce positive behavior traits. That is what we want in our future generations, positive healthy personality traits. The best way to develop and nurture these characteristics is to reward the behaviors that display it. The child that works to complete a task is working within this positive behavior and should be rewarded for it. The best way to track this is to have a chart that can be used to keep track of the chores completed and who completed those chores. The reward bucks system can help motivate a child to do what they are supposed to do. It also helps to create value in their minds for the work tasks they accomplish. The reward system is a great way to reach children and begin to get them to understand the value of completing a task assigned. The only way to motivate sometimes is to offer an incentive such as behavior bucks which can be traded in for pre-agreed upon items or activities. This is a positive motivational tool that has proven that it's valued over and over again. Children will associate work with rewards, which is a positive life lesson.