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starBehavior Bucks
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Sealife Behavior Bucks

Sealife Behavior Bucks

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The process of teaching a child proper behavior and then reinforcing that behavior is a common theme in the parent/child relationship. This is one of the most common behavioral situations where a direct award system will work well. To reward positive behaviors is a strong way to get that behavior to continue. The reward process instills in the child a direct association with positive behavior and a positive outcome. This is directly correlated by the child's brain and that creates strong associations with positive behaviors. Saying thank you is always a positive influencer, however, when children can directly see and accumulate behavioral bucks, the influence is compounded. Many healthy life skills are being introduced and applied during this transaction. The child is learning that good behavior gets good rewards, and the child will watch as good behavior is continuously rewarded and supported. This also creates the goal-orientated mindset that all children need and require to be successful. In this model, the child's understanding of the reward system is based on building up the behavioral bucks to reach a bigger reward. This reward system of behavioral bucks is a top-level learning system that uses positive reinforcement to instill all types of values and positive behaviors in children.