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Allowance Contract

Allowance Contract

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Many parents give their children an allowance for several different reasons. Giving your child an allowance is a great way to teach your child the value of money, finances, and responsibility. One creative way you can make it fun is to create an allowance chart. You can use an allowance chart agreement to show your child responsibility not only with money but also with behavior as well. Your child’s chart can show them how much money they will earn by completing each chore, extra money for outside tasks. Making an allowance chart doesn’t have to be a punishment; it can be something fun you can make together. Designate certain chores on certain days and put how much money each one is worth. Make it colorful and inviting. Give your child stickers to put next to the chores that have completed. Stickers are fun and can help motivate your child on their own. Give them a challenge and stay consistent. Make the chart on a big poster board or hang it on the fridge. Allowance charts and agreements are an excellent way to teach and help your child learn the value of money and discipline while getting work done. Including your child when making a chore agreement can help them understand how the chore agreement is being made.