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Self-Control Contract

Self-Control Contract

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As parents, it is very important that we are doing our job and that we are making sure that we are teaching our children all about expectations. One very important expectation that they need to learn how to do is managing and learning all about self control. Self control is very important to learn about at a young age because it helps them stay on track and it also helps them improve their behavior as well. Although it is very important that children practice self control, it is also very important that we, as parents, are being calm and we are helping them by leading with examples. A great way to help teach your children about self control is by creating a self control contract that they will be able to learn more about and later on will have the opportunity to sign. In that contract, you must make sure that you are writing down all the rules that you need your child to learn in regards to self control. It is also very important for you to know that each child is different and that each child learns at their own pace and their own rate as well.