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Homework Contract

Homework Contract

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Any child dreads having to do the homework once they are home from school. However, doing their homework is very important and it is something that will definitely help them out in the future as well. It is very important that you are encouraging your child to finish their homework all alone and to have quiet time at the same time. The more that you were encouraging your child to finish their homework, the more likely that they will become more independent and be able to follow all of the rules at home. It can definitely help out your child if you have a specific room in the house or specific corner or space where your child can go to whenever here she is doing any type of homework assignments. It is important that this visa room is quiet and free of any distractions so that your child is able to fully concentrate on his or her work. It’s also recommended that you do some sort of homework contract with your child so that you both are in agreement on the expectations that are required from him or her. In that contract, it is also important for you to let your child to know that he or she will be able to get some sort of price or a word after they have completed all of their assignments throughout the week.