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Parent,Child and Friends Agreement

Parent,Child and Friends Agreement

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Having some sort of parents and child agreement is something that is recommended by many psychologists and therapists. In this agreement, you will write down things that you expect from your child, and your child will write down things that here she expects from you as a parent. This is a great way for you guys to really get to know what each other wants, and what makes each other happy. During this time, it is important that you really try to grasp the idea that your child may need more attention from you, I may need you to be more loving or more caring as well. In this agreement, you can also write it down expectations that you have for your child. For example, if you would like him or her to be more involved in helping out around the house, make sure that you write down that your child needs to be more supportive and needs to help out with more chores. It is also important for you to discuss important and serious topic such as sex, drugs and violence as well. The more communication that you have with your child, the less likely that there will be any type of issues or problems between the two of you.