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Parent-Teacher-Student Contract

Parent-Teacher-Student Contract

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If you have a child who struggles in school, it is important that you stay calm and that you do not yell or make the situation even worse with your child. There are many reasons why you told me to be struggling in school. It is your responsibility as a parent to find out what those reasons are and how you can help out your child reach success. A very good way for you to find out why your child is struggling in school, is by having good communication with his or her teacher. It is important that you were constantly talking and checking in with his or her teacher so that you guys are on the same page. Remember, you were the teacher need to work as a team to make sure that the child is reaching his or her full potential every single day. It is also important that you keep your child accountable for their actions and that you make him or her sign a contract stating that they will do everything possible to get their grades up. Having this contract between the three of you can help your child stay motivated through out the school year!