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Positive Sibling Engagement Contract

Positive Sibling Engagement Contract

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Promoting good behavior within our children is something that we as parents must do. This is our responsibility because we need to teach our children the importance of behaving and getting along with others-- especially with their siblings. A good way to be able to promote this within our children is by writing down a list of the rules that you come up with. These rules need to be about how they can all get along and how they can all learn to be nice to one another. It is important that you take the time to sit down and talk to your children about the importance of these rules and the reason why you are writing these rules in the first place. The more that you explain to your children about the importance of getting along, the easier and faster that they will start doing this. After you have written down all of the rules, it is very important that you make them sign it on the bottom so that it can be similiar to a contract. This can help them stay on track and it can help them be reminded of the list of rules and expectations that you have ste for them.