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Pet Care Contract for Dogs – Design 1

Pet Care Contract for Dogs – Design 1

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Having a pet as a young child can be one of the most exciting and enjoyable things to ever happen. However, it is very important to keep in mind that having a pet requires a lot of responsibility and a lot of good behavior management as well. If you already. Who is considering buying a dog for your children, it is very important and highly recommended that you speak to your children before hand. A dog will require you to walk him or her every single day and it will also require your children to take him or her outside so that the dog can become potty trained. It is important to let your children know that if they are missed behaving or if they are not properly taken care of the dog, that the dog will be removed and that there will be some consequences. A great way for you to keep your children accountable to their actions is by making them sign a pet contract. In that contract, it is important that you list all of the rules and expectations that they are required to follow.