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How to Help your Child Handle a Bully

How to Help your Child Handle a Bully

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Dealing with bullies is something that can be difficult to handle. Bullies can cause psychological and physical harm to any child and that is why it is important that you are talking to your children about this. A good way that you can help deal with bullies is by taking some time to explain to your child that bullies need to be stopped and that they need to speak up in order to stop the bully. The more that you explain this to your child, the more likely that they will be able to learn from this and actually speak up about it. It is also very important that you speak with you child's teacher so that she is informed about what is going on. Having regular check ins with your child will help ensure that he stays away from harm and that he is speaking about it. If you notice that your child's behavior has changed, it is very important that you try to get him to talk about his or her emotions. The more that your child talks about it, the more likely that he or she will stand up to the bully. It is also necessary for you to be loving and even more caring of your child. He or she will need you the most during this very hard time.