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Leave Child Home Alone

Leave Child Home Alone

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Leaving your child home alone for the first time can be an overwhelming any scary experience for the both of you. This is why it is very important that you make sure that your child is ready before hand and I hear she has everything necessary in case there’s any type of emergency. In order to fully know if your child is ready to stay home alone, it is very important that you set them down and that you have a very serious talk with them. During this conversation, it is important that you let them know how to handle different situations that may come up. Some of these important situations that you need to talk about our for example, what do you need to do in case someone is at the door, what they need to do in case someone is asking for a parent or an adult, and what do you need to do in case there is a serious medical or life-threatening emergency going on. The more that you talk to your child about situations like these, the more prepared that your child will be an awesome we’re confident that your child will be and you will be as well. It is also important that you leave emergency numbers that your child can have access to in case they need them.