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Feelings and Emotions Journal

Feelings and Emotions Journal

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Journaling is one of the best ways to keep track of one's feelings. Especially when you are young and not sure what to feel. The whole idea of growing up is learning what feelings are and how to understand them. A feelings and emotions journal is a great place to start. The idea of having a daily journal to write things down is a good way to interpret your emotions. A journal is a great place for ideas, thoughts, and feeling which will help you understand them and what they mean. A daily journal is necessary to be able to look back and interpret them on a later day and time. This allows you to have time to evaluate your mood then and compare it to now. A young person's emotions are all over the place. That is why it is good to have a place to write them down and keep them. Feelings and an emotional journal is a perfect outlet that allows the writer to express themselves safely and constructively. The journal is theirs to share with whomever they want or no one at all. The journal serves as a hard copy of the mind at work as it interprets the world around them. It will come in handy when the need arises.