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Great Eating Tips for Families

Great Eating Tips for Families

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It is very important that as a parent, you are making sure that your entire family is eating healthy. We all know that eating healthy is not the easiest thing to do because we are always being tempted to eat junk food, and with children it is much harder. Most children want to eat candy or other types of sweets. It is very important that you are breaking this bad habit at a young age so that you are able set a good example to your children. You can draw out all of the fruits and vegetable that you would like your child to start eating so that your child can become more familiarized with them. For example, if you are trying to introduce bananas and broccoli then you should draw them our and put them in a chart. Once your child has already finished eating them you can color in the chart marking that your child has already finished with those fruits and veggies. It is also very important that you are taking the time to explain to your child the importance of eating fresh fruits and veggies so that they start to learn the importance of them and develop that healthy eating habit.