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Picky Eater Chart

Picky Eater Chart

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The Picky Eater Chart takes a child’s lunch plate ant turns it into a pie chart. The pie chart has sections for, proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. There is a section for the child’s name, along with a section for points assigned for each nutritious food group and a section to total the points on the bottom. Each child can keep track of their nutrition points for each meal. Health eating can be motivated by points and even by competition from siblings. The gamification of the ordinary meal not only will help children eat healthy, but also assist in their learning about healthy foods and healthy meals. Keeping score is something that the whole family can be involved with, even the babysitter can be shown how to keep score. This activity can be done at home or even be taken to school or daycare. High scores can be displayed. Rewards can be granted when goal thresholds are surpassed. The Picky Eater chart is designed to keep the picky eater at bay. The char is available in PDF format for easily download and printing, if a copy is kept on your desktop there will be no reason to download it again.