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Revealing My Mistakes

Revealing My Mistakes

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No one is perfect and every now and again there will be slip ups and there will be disappointment. Don't dwell and beat yourself up over the mistake. Deal with the consequences and move on. This chart provides an area for the user to write down their so-called Slip Up. This is something that is very personal and it's a time to reflect and see where there is room for improvement. The lesson learned option provides the user with the space to journal or jot down their thoughts. This is good for mental health because it's considered an outlet. Getting your feelings out is also positive and it only gives room for growth. Life is about learning experiences. An example of a slip up could be: Woke up late and missed the school bus. Lesson learned might say: Arriving late to class had consequences of missing out on important instruction in class and falling behind. Sit down with your child to discuss what has been written or let them read it out loud. Children are developing and learning every day. This is a helpful tool that is designed to assist kids in recognizing their mistakes and learning from them. It gives kids the chance to self evaluate themselves and experience potential inner growth. Use this tool when kids need help getting back on track after making a mistake.