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Happy and Cruddy Moments

Happy and Cruddy Moments

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The happy and cruddy moments in a child's life is one way to register and judge the world around them. To have a child start to track their daily experiences by what made them feel happy and what made them feel cruddy is a cognitive coping tool that will work. It allows a child to categorize their experiences by how it made them feel, which is a good tool for personal reflection. This will lead to behavioral adjustments that will help them avoid the cruddy feelings. Nobody wants to feel cruddy. So the chart can help a child avoid these behaviors. Charting and recording the happy and cruddy moments in one's life will contribute to self-realization that will bring the child to a higher cognitive understanding. The concept of control will start to land on their mind. This will lead to the idea of controlling how you react to a given situation. That is all we have control over. Is how we react to any given situation, at any given time. Our reaction is going to bring about an emotional response. Learning how to bring that emotionally healthy response is what a coping mechanism is all about. Children can be conditioned to think and respond on a healthy level with the right worksheet.