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Caterpillar Stickers

Caterpillar Stickers

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The system of rewarding positive behavioral traits with a caterpillar sticker is great for children. This reward system is always appreciated as a tool for the development of healthy behaviors. This is a simple reward that is greatly appreciated and anticipated by children. The sticker is a great way to show the people around them they do what is right and being recognized for it. The caterpillar sticker represents the change in a child's life. Just like the caterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly, so is the child developing their social skills. The transformation from a child into a fully functioning individual adult is a process transformation. The chrysalis is a breast metaphor for a child in the middle of this change. Catapillar stickers can be utilized as a way to socially mark the child's achievements that work towards a common goal. To find one's niche in the world and to be comfortable there is the goal. Just as the capillary becomes a butterfly. This sticker is a great way to announce the child's wings of progression as they grow to be an adult. The sticker used as an award is a fabulous way of recognition. It can be proudly displayed anywhere, anyway the child prefers. A simple sticker will go along way to a healthy attitude.