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Bullying Child

Bullying Child

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With this chart you can easily keep track and document each and every accomplishment your child achieves of theirs, how well they stay focused on their end goal, how well they get the job done without any issues, as well as finishing any tasks they were handed without giving up. Some of these charts have been used when your child graduates certain grades at school such as Kindergarten, 1st Grade as well as your child graduating High School and College, this chart can also be used to document any volunteer work your child has attended even if the gesture was as small as making food for the less fortuned or helping out at your local soup kitchens. Some parents also use this chart as a reward chart to reward your child for completing different goals and achievements they set for themselves and have completed. Many parents have used this chart to fill in any dates and times their child has received any awards for school, sports, any volunteer work or if you and the other parent decide to give your child a certificate for completing anything big that you had asked your child to complete either on their own or with their other siblings if you have more than one child.